退行性膝关节病(knee degenerative osteoarthrosis),也称骨性膝关节炎,是由多种因素造成关节软骨的破坏所致。国内外极少对该病做过相关的流行病学调查,未能真正了解该病的发病原因及相关因素,使该病的早期预防和治疗缺乏有力的客观依据。如何进一步了解该病的发病情况及流行
Knee degenerative osteoarthrosis, also known as osteoarthritis of the knee, is caused by the destruction of articular cartilage by a number of factors. Very few domestic and foreign epidemiological investigations have been done on the disease, failed to truly understand the etiology of the disease and related factors, the early prevention and treatment of the disease lacks a strong objective basis. How to further understand the incidence and prevalence of the disease