“伯乐,你在哪里?”这是当今大中专生发自心底的呼唤。据《文摘周报》载,在上海市,有近41%的大专生难于找到工作;在北京人才市场交流中心,有五千多名大专生联系工作,结果只有四、五百人得到满意的答复。于是他们高声疾呼:“伯乐,你在哪里?” 前几日,在成都工作的一位朋友来信告诉我说:“现在你最好把工作找好吧!不然到明年就比较麻烦了。现在这个社会多是千里马找伯乐,而不是伯乐找千里马了。”读到此处,我的心不禁怦怦直跳。因为我也要进行一场择业较量。朋友们和我一样,都是社会的人才,都有各自的特长,都有自己闪光的地方。倘若我们都难于找到工作,我想我们也会一同高呼:“伯乐,你在哪里?” “千里马常有,而伯乐不常有。”我们多么羡慕韩信遇到了萧何,华罗庚遇到了熊庆来,肖邦遇到了李斯特。而
“Bole, where are you?” This is the heartfelt call of today’s college students. According to the Digest Weekly, in Shanghai, nearly 41% of college graduates find it hard to find a job. In Beijing’s talent market exchange center, more than 5,000 college students work in contact with each other, and only four to five hundred people are satisfied with the answer . So they shouted: “Bole, where are you?” A few days ago, a friend who was working in Chengdu wrote to me and said: “Now you’d better find a job, or you will be in trouble next year.” Now this community is mostly Chollima looking for Bole, rather than looking for celestial horse horses. “Read here, my heart can not help but pounding. Because I also have a career contest. Like me, my friends are social talents, all of whom have their own specialties and have their own place of flash. If we are hard to find a job, I think we will shout together: ”Bó Lè, where are you?“ ”Maxima often, and Bole is not often." How we admire Han Xin encountered Xiao He, Hua Luogeng met Xiong Qinglai, Chopin Met Liszt. and