张前东,平凡而又朴实,因为他只是重庆市南桐矿务局鱼田堡煤矿掘进103队的队长,一个“兵头将尾”的芝麻小官。可就是这样一个平凡而朴实的人,面对生死考验,他义无反顾的抉择,不仅感动了十里矿山,感动了重庆,而且感动了整个中国! 2002年6月13日,对十万南桐人来说,是一个令人痛心而又难忘的日子。这天清晨,尽管天空雷电交加,大雨倾盆,张前东还是早早的换上工作服来到井下。和往常一样,他带着工友们一上碛头就忙碌起来。谁也没有想到,一场罕见的灾难正在向他们逼进……上午10时49分,灾难从天而降。暴雨过后,位于鱼田堡煤矿西侧的刘家河河水猛涨,浑浊的山洪象一匹脱缰的野马,奔腾
Zhang Qiandong, ordinary and simple, because he is only Nantong City, Chongqing Bureau of Mining fish headdress mining 103 team captain, a “soldier will tail ” sesame small officer. May be such an ordinary and simple person, in the face of life and death test, he did not hesitate to choose, not only touched the Shili Mine, moved Chongqing, but also touched the whole of China! June 13, 2002, to one hundred thousand Nantong people That is a sad and unforgettable day. In the early morning of this day, despite the thunder and lightning in the sky and heavy rain, Zhang Qiandong put on the workwear early in the evening. As usual, he was busy with coworkers on his head. No one ever imagined that a rare disaster was pressing for them ... At 10:49 this disaster dropped from the sky. After the torrential rains, the Liujiahe River at the west side of the Fish Tianbao Coal Mine surged upwards. Turbid torrent was like a horse running wild,