封存多年的美酒一旦开启,其醇厚浓郁的香味立即穿街过巷,引得众人慕名前来以求一饮为快,于是有了一句流传甚广的名言——“酒香不怕巷子深”,以及货好不愁销的传统经营思想。只是在现代化的钢筋水泥丛林里,当人们的生活圈子已远远不止于街头巷尾。众多的“美酒”也都缤纷登场的时候,“酒香不怕巷子深”的繁华情景便只能作为美好的回忆而被永远封存起来了。而与此同时“促销”这个词也便越来越多地被人们挂在嘴上,各种各样的促销活动也开始流行起来。 所谓促销,英文中叫Promotion,有宣传、推动的意思,是现代营销组合4p’s
After opening up for many years of wine, its mellow and rich aromas immediately crossed the street, attracting everyone to come for a drink, so there was a well-known saying that “the wine is not afraid of the deep alley” and The traditional management philosophy that goods are sold well. Just in the modern reinforced concrete jungle, when people’s life circle is far beyond the streets and lanes. When numerous “brews” are also on the scene, the bustling scene of “wine is not afraid of a deep alley” can only be sealed for good memories. At the same time, the word “promotion” has been increasingly garnered by people, and various promotional activities have also become popular. The so-called promotion, in English called Promotion, has the meaning of propaganda and promotion, and is a modern marketing mix 4p’s