中国民航机场建设集团公司 民航机场设计公司空管专业简介

来源 :空中交通管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yaoyao115711
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为适应当今经济全球化和民航事业快速发展,适应中国民航正由民航大国向民航强国迈进的步伐,首都机场集团公司于2005年底对中国民航机场建设总公司等15家公司进行重组,成立了中国民航机场建设集团公司,将过去单一的专业化公司组合为多元的集团化公司,有效地整合内部建设资源,提 In order to meet the requirements of economic globalization and the rapid development of civil aviation and to adapt to the pace at which CAAC is moving from a major civil aviation power to a civil aviation powerhouse, Capital Airport Group Corporation reorganized 15 companies including China Civil Aviation Airport Construction Corporation by the end of 2005 and set up China Civil Aviation Airport Construction Group, the past, a single combination of specialized companies for the diversified group of companies, the effective integration of internal construction resources, mention
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This paper analyzes the behaviour of coating particles as well as the gas flow both inside and outside of the High-Velocity Oxy-Fuel (HVOF) thermal spray gun by
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