问:《伤寒论》原文105条:“伤寒二三日,心中悸而烦者,小建中汤主之。”其中“伤寒”是指广义伤寒还是狭义伤寒?如果是指狭义伤寒,为什么不用麻黄汤而用小建中汤主治? 答:本条是论述太阳伤寒兼里虚,心中悸而烦的证治。此处的“伤寒”是指狭义伤寒而言,原文省略了对其主证的描述。“心中悸而烦”是伤寒兼里虚的表现。尤在泾在
Question: The article 105 of the article on “Treatise on Febrile Diseases” reads: “Twenty-three days of typhoid fever, the heart is irritated and annoyed, and Xiaojianzhongtang is the principal.” Where “typhoid fever” refers to generalized typhoid fever or narrow typhoid fever? If it refers to narrowly typhoid fever, why not use it? Ephedra soup and small Jianzhong Tang Indications? A: This article is to discuss the sun typhoid fever and ridiculous, heart stunned and annoying treatment. Here, “typhoid” refers to the narrow sense of typhoid fever, the original omitted the description of its main card. “The heart is irritated and annoying” is the manifestation of typhoid fever and deficiency. Especially in