CA1092型载货汽车是在CA1091型(CA141型)汽车基础上,为进一步提高承载能力、动力性和经济性而推出的新车型。 CA1092型汽车与CA1091型汽车的主要区别为:采用了CAH102型节流杆化油器、悬浮式散热器、单缸空气压缩机、膜片弹簧单片离合器、高能无触点点火系统、透过照明式仪表、转向柱护套及自动复位开关等;提供了3种不同传动比的传动系统供用户选择,以使该车在特定的使用条件下具有良好的动力性和经济性;为了提高承载能力,加强了车厢、车架及钢
Model CA1092 is a new model introduced on the basis of CA1091 (Model CA141) to further improve the carrying capacity, power and economy. The main difference between CA1092 and CA1091 cars is the adoption of CAH102 throttle lever carburetor, suspension radiator, single-cylinder air compressor, one-piece diaphragm spring clutch, high-energy non-contact ignition system, Lighting instrument, steering column sheath and automatic reset switch, etc .; provide three different transmission ratio transmission system for the user to choose, so that the car under specific conditions of use with good power and economy; in order to improve the bearing Ability to strengthen the carriage, frame and steel