TuLP: A Family of Lightweight Message Authentication Codes for Body Sensor Networks

来源 :Journal of Computer Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ekinhushuang
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A wireless sensor network(WSN) commonly requires lower level security for public information gathering, whilst a body sensor network(BSN) must be secured with strong authenticity to protect personal health information. In this paper, some practical problems with the message authentication codes(MACs), which were proposed in the popular security architectures for WSNs, are reconsidered. The analysis shows that the recommended MACs for WSNs, e.g., CBCMAC(TinySec), OCB-MAC(MiniSec), and XCBC-MAC(SenSec), might not be exactly suitable for BSNs. Particularly an existential forgery attack is elaborated on XCBC-MAC. Considering the hardware limitations of BSNs, we propose a new family of tunable lightweight MAC based on the PRESENT block cipher. The first scheme, which is named TuLP, is a new lightweight MAC with 64-bit output range. The second scheme, which is named TuLP-128, is a 128-bit variant which provides a higher resistance against internal collisions. Compared with the existing schemes, our lightweight MACs are both time and resource efcient on hardware-constrained devices. While a body sensor network (BSN) must be secured with strong authenticity to protect personal health information. In this paper, some practical problems with the message authentication codes ( MACs), which were proposed in the popular security architectures for WSNs, are reconsidered. The analysis shows that the recommended MACs for WSNs, eg CBCMAC (TinySec), OCB-MAC (MiniSec), and XCBC-MAC Considering the hardware limitations of BSNs, we propose a new family of tunable lightweight MAC based on the PRESENT block cipher. The first scheme, which is named TuLP , is a new lightweight MAC with 64-bit output range. The second scheme, which is named TuLP-128, is a 128-bit variant which provides a higher resistance against internal collisions. Compared with the existing schem es, our lightweight MACs are both time and resource ecient on hardware-constrained devices.
中共中央政治局委员、国务院副总理、中央企业工委书记吴邦国最近在中央企业党建工作交流会上强调 ,要认真学习江泽民同志提出的“三个代表”重要思想 ,全面加强国有企业党的
自从1922年4月 ,团中央派俞秀松来杭建立杭州社会主义青年团支部以后 ,杭州及宁波等各主要城市 ,纷纷建立党、团组织。中共杭州小组在此年9月成立 ,绍兴党团支部在1923年7月成立 ,中共宁