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唱响时代主旋律荆州分行开展纪念建党八十周年“七个一”活动荆州分行3000多名员工以饱满的热情和丰富的形式,开展建党80周年“七个一”纪念活动,唱响了爱党、爱国的时代主旋律。四月中旬,荆州市分行党委向全市农行系统发出了开展纪念活动的通知。两个月以来,全市农行系统全面开展“七个一”系列活动:一是组织参加中央金融工委党的知识竞赛活动。全市农行在职党员参赛率达到98%以上,离退休、内退及其他党员参赛率达85%以上,向党组织递交了入党申请书的同志参赛率达90%以上;二是开展上党课教育活动。全市11个支行(校)党委都组织了上党课教育活动,重温党的历史,学习党的知识,使党员干部进一步增强了党性。三是开展“一先两优”评选表彰活动。6月26日,市分行党委在纪念大会上对10个先进基层党组织、33名优秀共产党员、9名优秀党务工作者进行了表彰。有2个单位和4名同志受到省分行党委表彰。四是举行“立足岗位作奉献,我为党旗添光彩”事迹演讲报告会。大会的首场报告后, Singing the theme of the times Jingzhou branch to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the founding “Seven one ” activities Jingzhou branch of more than 3,000 employees with full enthusiasm and rich forms, to carry out the 80th anniversary of founding “seven one ” memorial activities, singing Sounded the main theme of the era of loving the party and patriotism. In mid-April, the Party Committee of Jingzhou Branch issued a circular to commemorate the city’s agricultural system. Two months, the city’s agricultural bank system to fully carry out “seven one ” series of activities: First, organize the participation of the Central Financial Working Party knowledge contest. The city’s ABC in-service members of the participating rate reached 98%, retirement, retreat and other party members more than 85% entry rate, submitted to the party organization comrades to join the party more than 90% entry rate; second is to carry out the activities of the party education. The city’s 11 branch (school) party committees have organized the upper class education activities, review the history of the party, learning the party’s knowledge, party members and cadres to further enhance the party spirit. The third is to carry out “a first two gifted ” award recognition activities. On June 26, the party branch of the municipal branch commended 10 advanced grassroots party organizations, 33 outstanding communists and 9 outstanding party workers at the commemorative meeting. There are 2 units and 4 comrades by the provincial branch party commendation. Fourth, holding “based on post for dedication, I add luster to the party flag ” deeds speech presentation. After the first report of the conference,