抗日战争时期,北方许多城市相继沦陷,北大、清华、南开、中法、华中、中山、同济等大学纷纷迁到云南昆明等地。初来乍到的外省人对当地的衣食住行、风俗习惯、风景名胜都觉得新鲜,觉得奇怪,因而你一句、我一句,编成了“云南十八怪”。 2000年4月10日至5月10日,昆明举办国际旅游节,市邮政局发行“云南十八怪”系列纪念封全套18种,用漫画形式展示了云南多姿多彩的民风民俗。
During the Anti-Japanese War, many cities in the north successively fell to the north, followed by Tsinghua University, Nankai, China-France, Central China, Zhongshan and Tongji universities. Newcomers to other places feel fresh about the basic necessities of life, customs and scenic spots in the area, and find it strange. Therefore, you and me, compiled a series of “Eighteen Strange Places in Yunnan”. From April 10 to May 10, 2000, Kunming held an International Tourism Festival. The Municipal Post Office issued a full set of 18 commemorative seals of the “18 Ends of Yunnan” series, demonstrating the colorful and folk customs of Yunnan in comic form.