Tang × ×, male, born 6 days. Hospital number 75817. Found left cheek swelling 1 day, on December 31, 83 admission. Children with the first child, full-term, natural delivery, after birth, the general situation is good. Mixed feeding. 5 days after birth, found that children with left cheek slightly red and swollen, obvious swelling of the left cheek the next day and spread to the left auricle and external auditory meatus mouth, touching the child crying, no fever. Denied the history of mumps exposure. Physical examination: body temperature 37 ~ 4C, pulse 124 beats / min, cries loud, no yellow skin, body and left cheek skin no damage. Anterior fontanelle, left auricle and cheek swelling touched 3 × 3cm lumps, tenderness. Left parotid orifice swollen, pharynx (a). Cardiopulmonary normal. Abdomen soft, umbilical dry, liver ribs just touch, soft, spleen ribs untouched. Good limbs, moro’s (+).