1.问题的提出 九年义务教育三年制初中物理教材较原用教材增加了测变速直线运动平均速度的学生实验,教材编写者推荐使用斜面小车。我县各类中学开有学生分组实验共1442组,按配备要求(暂不考虑仪器配备类别升级)需要1460套斜面小车。我们普及实验教学县的验收合格是在启用新教材前,已配的416套主要集中在高、完中和供初中演示用,占现应配数的28.5%,只能供几所有初中的完中学生使用。要补齐这1044套斜面小车,约需3.96万元。
1. The proposal of the problem The nine-year compulsory education three-year junior high school physics textbook has increased the student’s experiment of measuring the average speed of the linear movement of the variable speed compared to the original textbook. The authors of the textbooks recommend the use of inclined carts. There are 1,442 student grouping experiments in various types of secondary schools in my county, and 1460 sets of beveled carts are required according to the equipment requirements (without considering the upgrading of instrument equipment categories). Our acceptance of the experimental teaching county acceptance is before the introduction of new materials, 416 sets have been allocated mainly in the high, in the middle and for junior high school presentations, accounting for 28.5% of the current number should be for only a few all junior high school Used by middle school students. To complete the 1044 sets of inclined trolley, about 39,600 yuan.