【摘 要】
At 5 o’clock on the afternoon of July 5, 2002, an ascestor mounted Xia Shi-xiang’s body of only 12 years old and slowly moved east along the Man-water Bridge in Gaoyou Town, Jiangsu Province. Spontaneous came to funeral students, teachers, folks lined up a long line of miles, crying, sighing in the vast Gaoyou Lake echo. Early July, Huaihe River heavy rainfall, down the Huaihe River
The monoclonal antibody D32.10, raised against serum-derived Hepatitis C virus (HCVsp), recognizes a highly conserved discontinuous antigenic determinant: E
【摘 要】 新课程理念下,提问在教师组织、引导学生自主、合作、探究学习的过程中起着关键作用。富于艺术技巧的提问,能加快把知识转化为素质能力训练的进程,是引导学生积极思考,保证和提高教学质量的有效途径。本文就初中语文课堂教学中的提问艺术进行了分析。 【关键词】 初中语文;提问艺术 【中图分类号】G 633.3 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】1671-1270(2009)2-0067-01
Antibodies have clearly been known to play an important role in acquired immunity against the asexual blood stages of the Plasmodium falciparum.Merozoite su
Individualized optimal dosing of immunosuppressive therapy requires an assay that monitors immune function using quantifiable markers of diagnostic and ther
Many patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) develop progressive treatment-resistant disease.Rituximab (RTX), a monoclonal antibody targeting CD20
The monoclonal antibody D32.10, raised against serum-derived Hepatitis C virus (HCVsp), recognizes a highly conserved discontinuous antigenic determinant: E