厦门市环岛路海军码头至演武路段创造了多项“第一”。在演武路一侧将建造中国第一座海上立交桥 ,该桥将成为世界上最低的海上桥梁 ,其基本标高只有 5.5m,目的是与现有岸线平齐 ,使游人方便地观赏鼓浪屿夜景。当台风来临时 ,海水可能会涨到桥身 ,甚至漫上桥面 ,桥身每个跨度受
Xiamen City, Navy Pier Road to Yanwu section to create a number of “first.” On the Yanwu Road side, China’s first overpass at sea will be constructed. The bridge will become the lowest sea bridge in the world with a basic elevation of only 5.5m. The aim is to be flush with the existing shoreline so that tourists can enjoy the night view of Gulang Island conveniently. When the typhoon is approaching, the seawater may rise to the bridge, or even bridge the bridge, each span by the bridge