心得安的多种治疗用途已有报导,本文将评论其应用及禁忌症的某些方面。心律失常 5年以前,心得安是作为治疗心律失常、特发性肥厚性主动脉下狭窄及嗜铬细胞瘤的药物而出现的。在心得安的药物仿单上强调它是β-受体阻断剂,是治疗心律失常的一种新途经。根据约500例心律失常的材料,约75%的病人的心律转为正常窦性心律或有生理上的好转,这包括心率减慢及/或阵发性发作的次数减少及/或严重程度减轻。但是因为交感
Adventurous multiple therapeutic uses have been reported and this article reviews some of its applications and contraindications. Arrhythmia 5 years ago, propranolol is used as a treatment for arrhythmia, idiopathic hypertrophic aortic stenosis and pheochromocytoma drug appear. Emphasizing that it is a beta-blocker is a new route of treatment for arrhythmias in the well-established medication list. Based on about 500 arrhythmic materials, about 75% of patients turn to a normal sinus rhythm or have a physiologic improvement in heart rate, including reduced heart rate and / or reduced frequency and / or severity of paroxysmal seizures . But because of sympathy