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预建党支部是预备役部队基层全面建设的重点内容之一,其战斗堡垒作用发挥得如何直接影响着部队全面建设水平。中共中央、国务院、中央军委《关于加强和改进新形势下民兵预备役政治工作的意见》中明确指出:“预备役部队要抓好预建党组织建设,在营预建党委、连预建党支部,集中训练和执行任务期间,发挥党委核心领导作用和党支部战斗堡垒作用。”近年来,河北某预备役师以科学发展观为指导,立足预备役部队党组织中现役、预备役委员合成的实际,遵循“合成支部合成建”的思路,把抓好预任书记队伍建设作为关键环节突出出来,不断提高书记的能力素质,使预建党委核心领导作用和党支部战斗堡垒作用得到较好发挥,改变了党组织运转难顺畅、合成作用难发挥的状况,形成了正副书记“同台唱戏”、党组织功能高效、核心领导有力的良好局面,促进了部队全面建设。他们的做法值得借鉴。 The Party building of the Party of preparatory work is one of the key elements of the comprehensive construction of the reserve forces at the grassroots level. How their fighting bastions function directly affect the overall troop level of construction. The Opinions of the CPC Central Committee, the State Council and the Central Military Commission on Reinforcing and Improving the Political Work of Reserve Reserves under the New Situation Clearly states: “Reserve forces should do a good job in building the party building of the preparatory party, In the recent years, a reserve division division in Hebei Province has guided by the scientific concept of development and based on the actuality of active and reserve members in the party organizations of the reserve army, and has followed the principle of ” Synthetic construction “train of thought, highlighting the importance of building a contingent of pre-office personnel as the key link, constantly improving the ability and capability of the secretary, giving play to the core leading role of the preparatory party and the role of the party branch in fighting the battle, and changing the operation of the party organization Difficult to smooth the synthesis of the role of the situation, the formation of the deputy secretary of ”singing at the same stage", the party organization with efficient functions, the core leadership of a good situation, and promote the all-round building of the armed forces. Their practice is worth learning from.
随着新课改的逐步深入,藏族地区对新的语言环境也进行了一系列改革,藏语文作为自己的母语能够适应和达到新课程改革的要求。 With the gradual deepening of the new curric
本文针对爬坡直埋光缆施工中容易出现的问题进行了讨论。指出了问题发生的原因 ,以及如何避免此类问题。