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我厂从1953年开始生产硬质合金钎头,图纸资料引自苏联。钎头的加工工序很繁琐,二十七年来,我厂许多同志做了不少工作,力争简化工序,提高生产效率。但都没有着眼于研究钎头的几何结构、材质、工艺、质量和寿命指标之间的相互关系。钎头生产无确切的科学数据。始终存在掉片、碎片、胀裤、裂裤、断头和假焊等质量问题,平均使用寿命是凿岩进尺30米。 1982年初,我厂应本地区外贸局的要求,试产出口硬质合金钎头,促使我们改变以往的做法,把质量提到首位。参考国外商 I plant from 1953 to produce carbide drill bits, drawing data from the Soviet Union. Bit processing process is cumbersome, twenty-seven years, many of my comrades have done a lot of work, and strive to simplify the process and improve production efficiency. However, none of them focuses on the interrelationship between the geometric structure, material, workmanship, quality and life expectancy of a drill bit. Drill bit production without exact scientific data. There are always quality problems such as dropping pieces, fragments, bulging pants, splitting pants, decapitation and false welding, etc. The average service life is 30 meters of drilling footage. At the beginning of 1982, our factory, upon the request of the Foreign Trade Bureau of the region, piloted the export of hard alloy brazing heads, prompting us to change the previous practice and put the quality first. Reference to foreign business
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