宋庆华这个名字并不为公众熟知,但是在环保N G O这个圈子里,她却拥有很高的知名度,因为她在不惑之年曾放弃“铁饭碗”到北京地球村环境教育中心工作了5年多的时间。这段时间,地球村发展迅速,并成为国内环保N G O中的佼佼者。就在这时,宋庆华选择离开,创办了灿雨石信息咨询中心,
The name of Song Qinghua is not known to the public, but she enjoys a high reputation in the NGO circle because she gave up “iron rice bowl” to Beijing Global Environmental Education Center during more than five years for more than five years . During this time, the global village has developed rapidly and has become a leader in the domestic environmental NGO. Just then, Song Qinghua chose to leave, founded the Canyu Stone Information Center,