各位领导、专家、各企业代表,大家好! 首先,感谢王超处长和顾秘书长亲临会场指导工作,同时也感谢各相关企业前来参加会议。下面我把标准编制工作的过程和我们的一些想法分四个方面给大家汇报。课题的由来和标准的立项过程 开始酝酿“三表智能化系统装置”这个科研课题是在1990年,最早提出
Ladies and gentlemen, representatives of enterprises, everyone! First of all, I would like to thank Director Wang Chao and Secretary-General Guilin for guiding the work in the venue. At the same time, I also thank all the relevant enterprises for coming to the meeting. Now I will standardize the work of the process and some of our ideas in four areas to report to you. The origin of the subject and standard project process began brewing “three tables intelligent system installation” This research project was first proposed in 1990