读罢冯骥才先生笔下的巴黎女郎,便不禁心驰神往,想亲眼看看在撒满午后阳光的街头悠闲漫步着的巴黎女郎,到底透着一股什么样的风致;而浪漫之都巴黎,又究竟会孕育出怎样一群迷人的巴黎女郎呢? 前不久,偶尔在一个叫“巴黎感觉”的节目中发现了一位特别的巴黎女郎:金黄的头发,湛蓝深陷的眼睛,修长的身材,操一口优雅的法语,我想,这不就是冯先生描绘的巴黎女郎吗?但与文中沉静优雅的巴黎女郎不同的是。她既没有坐在露天咖啡馆喝咖啡,也没有在书店
After reading the portrait of a Parisian lady described by Mr. Feng Xiaocai, she would be very excited and would like to see with her own eyes the Parisian lady strolling leisurely in the shady streets of the afternoon sun. What kind of charming Parisian girl bred? Not long ago, a special Parisian girl was spotted in a show called “Paris Feeling”: golden hair, deep blue eyes, long slender figure, and a graceful appearance In French, I think this is not the Parisian girl described by Mr. Feng, but it is different from the quiet and elegant Parisian girl. She is neither sitting in an outdoor cafe or drinking coffee, nor is she at a bookstore