那年我考取杭州一所大学,父亲带我去学校报到,办完手续天就黑了。父亲想坐夜间的火车回家,我没让父亲走。“上有天堂,下有苏杭。”父亲为了我读书,没日没夜地忙碌着,现在出来了,他怎么也应该玩两天。父亲也是喜欢杭州这座城市的,我接到通知书后,父亲总跟我说杭州是座好城市, “欲把西湖比西子,淡妆浓抹总相宜”。这诗,父亲不知跟我念了多少遍了。经不住我左劝右劝,父亲依了我,但他只同意在杭州玩一天。
That year, I was admitted to a university in Hangzhou, and my father took me to the school to report it. It was dark when I finished the procedure. My father wanted to go home by night’s train. I didn’t let my father go. “There is heaven on it, and there is Suzhou and Hangzhou.” My father was busy studying for me, day and night, and now he came out. He should have played for two days. My father also liked the city of Hangzhou. After I received the notice, my father told me that Hangzhou was a good city. “I would like to use West Lake more than Xizi, and her makeup is always affordable.” This poem, the father did not know how many times I read it. I couldn’t help but left me to persuade my father to follow me, but he only agreed to play one day in Hangzhou.