2010年10月,洛杉矶著名脱口秀演员罗素·皮特斯(Russell Peters),在他的新节目中,加入了这样一个桥段—说他在上海某商场买鞋子,因为柜台里找不出适合他脚的鞋子尺寸,于是提出这样一个问题:“怎么会,全世界的鞋子不都是你们中国制造的吗?”引得现场观众哄堂大笑。显然,他的这段调侃,恰好印证了中国商品在美国人心目中的形象。
In October 2010, Russell Peters, a famous Los Angeles actor on the show, added such a bridge to his new show - saying he bought shoes at a mall in Shanghai because he could not find the right one on the counter Foot size of the shoes, then put forward such a question: “Why, all the world’s shoes are not made in China you?” Attracted the audience laughter. Obviously, his ridicule in this period just confirms the image of Chinese goods in the minds of Americans.