目的了解市售干制食用菌中农药残留情况。方法采用气相色谱法对超市、批发市场、食品商店和农贸市场所采集干制食用菌样品中的有机磷类、氨基甲酸酯类和拟除虫菊酯类农药残留进行检测。结果 180份干制食用菌中检出农药残留的样品39份,总检出率为21.67%。检出率较高的三种农药残留是灭多威(5.99%)、仲丁威(4.79%)和甲氰菊酯(4.79%)。农贸市场所采集样品的农药残留检出率高于食品商店、批发市场和超市。结论市售干制食用菌存在着一定程度的农药残留污染。
Objective To understand the situation of pesticide residues in commercially available dried edible mushrooms. Methods Gas chromatography was used to detect organophosphorus, carbamate and pyrethroid pesticide residues in dried edible mushroom samples collected from supermarkets, wholesale markets, food stores and farmers’ markets. Results A total of 180 samples of pesticide residues in dried edible fungi were detected, with a total detection rate of 21.67%. The three pesticide residues with higher detection rates were methomyl (5.99%), s-butyl (4.79%) and fenpropathrin (4.79%). The sampling rate of pesticide residues in farmer’s market was higher than that of food stores, wholesale markets and supermarkets. Conclusion There is a certain degree of pesticide residue pollution on commercially available dried edible fungi.