中国大学校长代表团去年十二月到友好邻邦日本访问,我因工作关系,也随同前往。在两周的访同活动中。日本教育事业给我留下了深刻的印象,我认为有不少地方是值得我们参考的。 (一)在参观日本学校或同日本教育界人士的座谈中,我强烈地感到日本战后经济所以能够迅速地恢复和发展,其原因固然不止一端,而日本对教育事业的高度重视,可说是颇为重要的一个因素。这从日本教育经费的充足就可以说明。一九七五年,日本教育经费总额高达九兆六千一百四十二亿一千万日元(约合人民币七百五十二亿五千多
The delegation of the president of China University visited our friendly neighbor Japan in December last year. Due to my working relationship, I also went with him. During the two-week visit to Tongkat. I was impressed with Japanese education and I think there are quite a few places that deserve our reference. (A) During the seminars on visits to Japanese schools or to the education circles in Japan, I strongly felt that Japan’s post-war economy was able to resume and develop rapidly. This is true for more than one reason. Japan attaches great importance to education and we can say Is a very important factor. This is sufficient from the Japanese education funding can explain. In 1975, the total amount of education in Japan was as much as 9.6161 trillion yen (about 75.52 billion yuan