故宫博物院是以世界上现存最大的皇宫建筑群——故宫为基础建立起来的.是目前 国内最大的古代文化艺术博物馆.也是世界著名的博物馆之一。故宫博物馆是中国文物收 藏最丰富的博物馆,它以逾百万件文物收藏展示着中华民族历史文化的博大精深。 2005年是故宫建院80周年,作为庆典活动的重要内容.故宫博物院首次精选馆藏国宝 ——14件皇家官窑名瓷、10件宫廷御用珐琅进行高仿制作.两件“瓷王”各绝版发行8件.其 余每件绝版发行80件.均有绝版编号。
The Palace Museum is built on the Forbidden City, the largest palace complex in the world. Is currently the largest museum of ancient arts and culture. It is also one of the world famous museums. The National Palace Museum is the most rich collection of Chinese cultural relics museum, with more than one million pieces of cultural relics collection shows the profound and profound Chinese history and culture. 2005 is the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Forbidden City, as an important part of the celebration. For the first time, the National Palace Museum collection of national treasures - 14 royal kiln famous porcelain, 10 court Queen enamel for high imitation production. Two “porcelain king” each out of print issue 8 pieces. The rest of each out of print issue 80. Have out of print number.