1引言 环磷酰胺对治疗肾病综合征,尤其是对狼疮肾炎的治疗已取得公认的效果,但由于环磷酰胺抑制骨髓造血功能,许多病人在治疗过程中往往因出现白细胞减少症而不得不中断治疗,甚至有的病人因此而拒绝接受治疗[1,2]。1990年以来,我们应用中药配合环磷酰胺治疗难治
1 Introduction Cyclophosphamide for the treatment of nephrotic syndrome, especially for the treatment of lupus nephritis has made a recognized effect, but due to the inhibition of bone marrow hematopoietic function of cyclophosphamide, many patients are often in the course of treatment because of leukopenia had to be interrupted Treatment, and some patients refused to receive treatment [1,2]. Since 1990, we use traditional Chinese medicine combined with cyclophosphamide refractory