The Jinshan gold deposit consists of gold|bearing ultramylonite and gold|bearing quartz vein ores. The Rb|Sr isochron age of fluid inclusions in quartz from quartz veins is the same as that of the gold|bearing ultramylonite, suggesting that both the types of orebodies were formed simultaneously in the Caledonian period, in the range 406-409 Ma. REE patterns and sulfur, lead, carbon, hydrogen and oxygen isotope data, as well as the composition of fluid inclusions, have shown that the ore|forming fluids were derived from formation water, and the ore|forming materials came from the gold|hosted rocks. The Jinshan gold deposit occurring in a Caledonian brittle|ductile zone in metamorphosed microclastic rocks owes its origin to Caledonian reworking processes.
The Jinshan gold deposit consists of gold | bearing ultramylonite and gold | bearing quartz vein ores. The Rb | Sr isochron age of fluid inclusions in quartz from quartz veins is the same as that of the gold | bearing ultramylonite, suggesting that both the types of orebodies were formed simultaneously in the Caledonian period, in the range 406-409 Ma. REE patterns and sulfur, lead, carbon, hydrogen and oxygen isotope data, as well as the composition of fluid inclusions, have shown that the ore | forming fluids were derived from formation water, and the ore | forming materials came from the gold | hosted rocks. The Jinshan gold deposit occurring in a Caledonian brittle | ductile zone in metamorphosed microclastic rocks owes its origin to Caledonian reworking processes.