Measurements of atmospheric N_2O concentration and its emission fluxes from soil in China

来源 :Science in China(Series B) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ljs19841215
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Air samples in China were collected and determined for the concentration of N_2O.The production rates of N_2O from agricultural soils were measured with the chamber method.The results in-dicate that the background concentration of N_2O averages(308±5)×10~(-9)in 1989,which is close to that ob-tained at the other background stations abroad.However,at both urban and rural areas,atmospheric N_2Oconcentrations are higher.N_2O emission fluxes from several farmlands are different and dependent on the fac-tors of agricultural practice and climate.But their magnitudes are at the same order.Preliminary calculationshows that the released N_2O-N from agricultural sources(cultivated soil and N-fertilizers)amounts to 122Gg/a in China in 1990. Air samples in China were collected and determined for the concentration of N_2O. The production rates of N_2O from agricultural soils were measured with the chamber method. The results in-dicate that the background concentration of N_2O averages (308 ± 5) × 10 ~ ( -9) in 1989, which is close to that ob-tained at the other background stations abroad.However, at both urban and rural areas, atmospheric N 2 Oconcentrations are higher. N_2O emission fluxes from several farmlands are different and dependent on the fac-tors of agricultural practice and climate.But their magnitudes are at the same order. Preliminary calculation of the released N2O-N from agricultural sources (cultivated soil and N-fertilizers) amounts to 122 Gg / a in China in 1990.
Three related patients from Colombia presented with a juvenileonset neuronal c eroid lipofuscinosis. Electron microscopy of one case showed condensed fingerpri
目的:旨在确定初发的低血糖在患严重胎儿期酸血症足月儿中的新生儿脑损伤发生中的潜在作用。方法: 对185名足月新生儿进行了回顾性列表调查分析,他们在1993年2月至2002年12月
例1 死者男,1岁.因"间断发热2周,阵咳1周,烦吵3 d".于2004年10月23日上午11时入住某儿童医院,入院诊断为急性支气管炎、败血症,给予抗感染及雾化等对症治疗.次日中午患儿在输液过程中突然出现口唇发绀、抽搐,经抢救无效于下午2时死亡。
投身革命的丈夫22岁时壮烈牺牲;同样投身革命的妻子却不相信丈夫已永远离她而去。她已经守望了丈夫七十多年,她还将在有生之年继续守望下去。读者诸君,您能用什么样的词汇来形容这样的感情啊?  一把古老的木梳,日复一日,梳理着她青丝变白发的长长思念;  一道木门槛的豁口,年复一年,见证着她凄风苦雨中了无尽期的祈盼;  这是一曲生命的辉煌颂歌;这是一首爱情的千古绝唱!一诺千金,支持着她度过了70余个漫长的春