目前史学界把1937年7月日本侵略军进攻芦沟桥畔宛平县城的事件习惯上称之为“七七事变”。笔者认为将这一事件你为“七七事变”是不科学的,值得商榷。 1937年7月7日晚,日本驻中国的军队事先并没有通知当地中国驻军,就在芦沟桥附近进行军事演习。当天夜里23时左右,日军以遭受中国当地驻军29军枪击,致使一名日兵失踪为借口,要求进入宛平县城搜寻,遭到北平当局的拒绝。双方约定互派代表进行商议。7月8日晨四时许,日方代表到达宛平县署,正当双方交涉过程中,日军向宛平县城发动了进攻,遭到中国驻军的奋起反击,揭开了中日全面战争的序幕。
At present, historians refer to the incidents of the invasion of Wanping County along the Lugou Bridge by the Japanese aggressors in July 1937 as the “Incident of July 7”. I believe that this incident you “Seventy-seven Incident” is unscientific, it is open to question. On the evening of July 7, 1937, the Japanese troops stationed in China did not inform the local Chinese garrison beforehand and carried out military exercises near the Lugou Bridge. At around 23 o’clock that night, the Japanese troops shot at the 29th Army stationed in China, causing the disappearance of a Japanese soldier as an excuse to ask for permission to enter the Wanping county seat and were rejected by the Peking authorities. The two sides agreed to send representatives to conduct deliberations. At about 4 am on July 8, the Japanese delegates arrived at the Wanping County Department. As the two sides negotiated, the Japanese army launched an offensive in Wanping County and was struck back by the Chinese garrison, opening the prelude to the Sino-Japanese comprehensive war .