Signal Peptide and Denaturing Temperature are Critical Factors for Efficient Mammalian Expression an

来源 :Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology(Med | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hmsx
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Many researchers employed mammalian expression system to artificially express can-nabinoid receptors, but immunoblot data that directly prove efficient protein expression can hardly be seen in related research reports. In present study, we demonstrated cannabinoid receptor protein was not able to be properly expressed with routine mammalian expression system. This inefficient ex-pression was rescued by endowing an exogenous signal peptide ahead of cannabinoid receptor pep-tide. In addition, the artificially synthesized cannabinoid receptor was found to aggregate under rou-tine sample denaturing temperatures (i.e., ≥95°C), forming a large molecular weight band when analyzed by immuno-blotting. Only denaturing temperatures ≤75°C yielded a clear band at the pre-dicted molecular weight. Collectively, we showed that efficient mammalian expression of cannabi-noid receptors need a signal peptide sequence, and described the requirement for a low sample dena-turing temperature in immuno-blot analysis. These findings provide very useful information for effi-cient mammalian expression and immuno-blotting of membrane receptors. Many studied employing mammalian expression system to artificially express can-nabinoid receptors, but immunoblot data that directly prove efficient protein expression can hardly be seen in related research reports. In present study, we demonstrated cannabinoid receptor protein was not able to be properly expressed with routine mammalian expression system. This inefficient ex-pression was rescued by endowing an exogenous signal peptide ahead of cannabinoid receptor pep-tide. In addition, the artificially synthesized cannabinoid receptor was found to aggregate under rou-tine sample denaturing temperatures (ie, ≧ 95 ° C), forming a large molecular weight band when analyzed by immuno-blotting. Only denaturing temperatures <75 ° C yielded a clear band at the pre-dicted molecular weight. Collectively, we showed that efficient mammalian expression of cannabi-noid receptors need a signal peptide sequence, and described the requirement for a low sample dena-turing temperature in immuno-b lot analysis. These findings provide very useful information for effi-cient mammalian expression and immuno-blotting of membrane receptors.
年轻,就如春天,有朝气,有活力。这十七八岁的年纪:蒋昕思维缜密,数理演绎从不出错,让人羡慕;吴枫堪称学霸,篮球场上人气十足,漂亮的三分球伴随着阵阵惊叫,使人嫉妒;我,近视镜,学究样,一向自负,一考就倒!老爸说:“看得再远,你总看不到你的盲点!”  我的盲点是什么?  春风料峭,樠木山在瑟缩中惺忪着眼,正如我心头的落寞。天空,一片云飘忽在头顶;脚下,石板路上撒下了斑驳的水痕。雨,淅淅沥沥,雾,朦朦胧
Objective To investigate the theoretical model of the three-dimensional structure of mosquitocidal Cry30Ca2 and its molecular docking with N-acetylgalactosamine