由公安部政治部和中国音乐家协会共同主办的2004年警察歌曲创作暨演唱大赛 年前在中国人民公安大学礼堂举行。在初评中选拔出来的来自全国公安系统的58名 优透选手(包括组合),经过激烈的复赛和决赛,共产生演唱一等奖5个、二等奖11 个、三等奖14个、优秀奖17个。公安部政治部主任孙明山、中国音乐家协会党组副 书记、秘书长郑会林等为获奖选手颁发获奖证书和奖杯。
The 2004 Police Song Creation and Singing Competition, co-sponsored by the Ministry of Public Security Ministry and the Chinese Musicians Association, was held in the auditorium of the Chinese People’s Public Security University a year ago. In the preliminary assessment, 58 excellent contestants (including the combination) from the national public security system were selected. After intense rematch and finals, a total of 5 first-place singing performances, 11 second-place awards, 14 third-place awards and 14 excellence awards 17. Sun Mingshan, director of the Political Department of the Ministry of Public Security, the deputy party secretary of the Chinese Musicians Association and Zheng Huilin, secretary general of the Chinese Musicians Association, presented award certificates and trophies to the winners.