Competitive inhibition of adherence of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli,enteropathogenic Escherichia

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shao402248950
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AIM: To observe competitive inhibition of adherence ofenterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC),enteropathogenicEscherichia coli (EPEC) and Clostridium difficile ( C.difficile)to intestinal epithelial cell line Lovo by purified adhesin ofBifidobacterium adolescentis 1027 (B.ado 1027).METHODS: The binding of bacteria to intestinal epithelialcell line Lovo was counted by adhesion assay.The inhibitionof adherence of ETEC,EPEC and C.difficile to intestinalepithelial cell line Lovo by purified adhesin of B.ado 1027was evaluated quantitatively by flow cytometry.RESULTS: The purified adhesin at the concentration of10 μg/mL,20 μg/mL and 30 μg/mL except at 1 μg/ml and5 μg/ml could inhibit significantly the adhesion of ETEC,EPEC and C.difficile to intestinal epithelial cell line Lovo.Moreover,we observed that a reduction in bacterial adhesionwas occurred with increase in the concentration of adhesin,and MFI (Mean fluorescent intensity) was decreased withincrease in the concentration of adhesin.CONCLUSION: The purified adhesin of B.ado 1027 caninhibit the adhesion of ETEC,EPEC and C.difficile to intestinalepithelial cell line Lovo in a dose-dependent manner. AIM: To observe competitive inhibition of adherence of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC), enteropathogenicEscherichia coli (EPEC) and Clostridium difficile (C.difficile) to intestinal epithelial cell line Lovo by purified adhesin ofBifidobacterium adolescentis 1027 (B.ado 1027). METHODS: The binding of bacteria to intestinal epithelial cell line Lovo was counted by adhesion assay. inhibition of adherence of ETEC, EPEC and C. difficile to intestinale pithelial cell line Lovo by purified adhesin of B. et al 1027 was evaluated quantitatively by flow cytometry. RESULTS: The purified adhesin at the concentration of 10 μg / mL, 20 μg / mL and 30 μg / mL except at 1 μg / ml and 5 μg / ml could inhibit significantly the adhesion of ETEC, EPEC and C. difficile to intestinal epithelial cell line Lovo. More over, we observed that a reduction in bacterial adhesionwas occurred with increase in the concentration of adhesin, and MFI (Mean fluorescent intensity) was decreased withincrease in the concentration of adhesi n.CONCLUSION: The Therapeutic adhesin of B. et al. 1027 caninhibit the adhesion of ETEC, EPEC and C. difficile to intestinelepithelial cell line Lovo in a dose-dependent manner.
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