我区位于安徽省东南部,为皖南山区与沿江平原的过渡地带。亚热带湿润季风气候,雨量充沛,春温多变,年平均气温为15~16℃。 (一) 我区农田杂草发生特点 1.种类多、分布广。全区经过农田杂草普查,共调查到我区农田杂草有63科、173属、261种(其中3种未鉴定)。其中,水田共有45科,96属、138种;旱地共有46科、125属、171种。旱地杂草主要有看麦娘、猪殃殃、波斯婆婆纳、雀舌草、牛繁缕、马唐、蓼、稻槎
My area is located in the southeastern Anhui Province, for the southern Anhui mountain and plains along the transition zone. Subtropical humid monsoon climate, abundant rainfall, changing temperature, the annual average temperature of 15 ~ 16 ℃. (A) the occurrence of farmland weeds in our area 1. Many types, widely distributed. The region after weed survey of farmland, a total of 63 families, 173 genera and 261 species (3 of which were unidentified) were investigated in our area. Among them, there are 45 families, 96 genera and 138 species of paddy fields. There are 46 families, 125 genera and 171 species in dry land. Dry weeds are mainly to see Anemarrhena, Galium aparine, Persian Poha na, Quechua grass, Niu Zhiwa, Crabgrass, Polygonum, rice 槎