In order to meet the international and domestic academic exchanges and intelligence retrieval needs, where the delivery of scientific research papers, test reports, technical reports, survey reports, etc. must be accompanied by the People’s Republic of China national standard GB6447-86 “Digest Writing Rules” Chinese and English abstracts and key words. Abstracts (abstracts) must be brief essays that concisely and accurately describe important aspects of the literature for the purpose of providing a synopsis of the essay without comment or supplementary explanation. The number of words requires Chinese in the range of 200 to 250 words, English in 90 to 150 words or less. The content of the abstracts includes: (1) the prerequisites, objectives and tasks of research, research and investigation, the scope of the topics involved; (2) the principles, theories, conditions, objects, materials, techniques, structures, Equipment, procedures, etc .; (3) results of the experiment, the results of the study, the data, the relationship identified, the observations,