从山东淄博市张店乘坐1路直达车到淄川,再换乘23路公交车即可到达蒲家庄。 蒲松龄故居坐落在蒲家庄正中央,这是一座典型的北方农家小院。朝阳有一黑漆大门,上方挂着郭沫若的题匾“蒲松龄故居”。故居依原貌修复后于1954年对外开放,1980年扩建为蒲松龄纪念馆。纪念馆以“聊斋古遗址”为中心,设有蒲松龄生平、著述、研究、馆藏名家书画、《聊斋》人物彩塑5个展室6个院落。这里每年吸引十几万中外游客来此参观,成为弘
From Zibo City, Shandong Zhang Dian take a direct car to Zichuan Road, and then take the 23 bus to reach Pujiazhuang. The former residence of Pu Songling is located in the middle of Pujiazhuang, which is a typical north farmhouse. Chaoyang has a black paint door, hung above Guo Moruo plaque “Pu Songling House.” The former residence was restored to its original appearance in 1954 and expanded to the Pu Songling Memorial Hall in 1980. Memorial to the “ancient site of chatting as the center, with Pu Songling life, writing, research, collection of famous calligraphy and painting,” Liao Zhai "character paint 5 exhibition hall 6 courtyards. Every year tens of thousands of Chinese and foreign tourists are attracted here to visit and become Hong