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1968年,我12岁,生活在美丽的彩云之南的大姚县。当时的县城,好像只有一横两竖三条小街,我从县城南边穿城而过到县城北边的学校,大约不过10分钟。县城虽小,可县城外的世界却是无比的广阔而生动。在“文革”的声浪中,学校停课了,不谙时事的我与伙伴们欢跳着飞向城外那充满生命力的小河边和海子里,开始了难忘的钓鱼生涯……在那个年代,没有什么玻璃钢、碳素竿之类的东西,我从附近的山上砍来一种当地叫“金竹”的竹子,这种竹子长约3米,细且直。在父亲的指导下把每个竹节烤出“汗”并熏黑,趁着烤热变软的时候将其扳得更直,然后用细麻线拴住竹尖,挂在屋梁上,竹根也拴一绳子并套上块石头使其定型,不几天,一根漂亮的鱼竿就做成了,并慢慢变得黄黑相间。最初没有鱼线、鱼钩,我就把母亲缝衣服的棉线打上蜡,把大头针弯成鱼钩。将锡制的牙膏皮化成锡水,小心翼翼地倒入做好的小圆孔 In 1968, I was 12 years old and lived in Dayao County, a beautiful south of Caiyun. At that time, the county town seemed to have only one horizontal, two vertical, three small streets. From the south of the county to the school in the north of the county, I walked about 10 minutes. Although the county is small, the county outside the county is extremely vast and vivid. In the waves of “Cultural Revolution”, the school was suspended. My current and inexperienced friends and I fluttered toward the thriving Little River and Haiziri outside the city and started an unforgettable fishing career ... In those days, There was no such thing as fiberglass, carbon rod, and I cut a piece of bamboo called “golden bamboo” locally from the nearby hills, about 3 meters long, thin and straight. Under the guidance of his father baked each bamboo “sweat” and blackened, taking advantage of the roast when the heat softened to be more straight, and then tied with a fine twine bamboo tip, hanging on the beam, bamboo The roots were also tied to a rope and put stones to shape it. Within a few days, a beautiful fishing rod was made and slowly turned yellow and black. At first there was no fishing line, a fishhook, and I waxed my mother’s sewing thread and bent a pin into a fishhook. The tin toothpaste skin tin into water, carefully poured into a good small hole
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