新生儿肺炎临床特点与 X 线胸片100例分析

来源 :实用儿科临床杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xd369426185
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本文报告1980年~1985年新生儿肺炎100例临床及X 线胸片分析。以日龄计分为早期新生儿(<7天)及晚期新生儿(8~28天)两组;以体重计分为<2500克及>2500克两组。早期新生儿及体重<2500克患儿的症状体征往往不典型;晚期新生儿以及体重>2500克而日龄超过7天以上的患儿,则症状体征渐趋明显。X 线所见支气管肺炎56例,大病灶肺炎33例,大叶或节段性肺炎3例,间质性肺炎7例。其中体征与X 线符合者55例,不符合者45例。并发症或并存症以硬肿症、消化道出血与败血症多见,多数病例表现有高血液粘滞度现象。治疗主要以青霉素和氨苄青霉素或庆大霉素联合静注。除8例自动出院外,全愈87例,死亡5例。 This article reports from 1980 to 1985 100 cases of neonatal pneumonia clinical and X-ray analysis. The patients were divided into two groups: early neonates (<7 days) and late neonates (8 ~ 28 days). The body weight was divided into two groups of <2500 g and> 2500 g. Symptoms and signs of early neonates and children with body weight <2500 g are often atypical; late neonates and children with a body weight of> 2500 g who are older than 7 days have more pronounced signs and symptoms. X-ray findings of bronchial pneumonia in 56 cases, 33 cases of major focal pneumonia, large leaf or segmental pneumonia in 3 cases, interstitial pneumonia in 7 cases. Among them, 55 cases were matched with X-ray and 45 cases were not. Complications or coexisting disease with scleredema, gastrointestinal bleeding and sepsis more common, the majority of cases showed high blood viscosity phenomenon. Treatment with penicillin and ampicillin or gentamicin intravenous injection. In addition to eight cases of spontaneous discharge, all cured 87 cases, 5 deaths.
有人说,如果一对男女有各种不合、经常吵吵闹闹,但却一直分不了手,很可能是因为他们有着非常和谐的性生活。  1981年出生的单身女白领周嘉在失恋后的一个冲动错误下,阴差阳错地与一个1989年出生的快递男发生了床事,却不想极度和谐,二人此后由性转爱,谈起了一场未公开的恋情。因二人爱好、年龄、背景皆悬殊太大不可能修成正果,周嘉一直试图结束这段感情,但断断续续,分分合合了两年,却一直未能顺利分手。  当然
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140例小儿癫痫的CT 检查显示了不同病因致癫的脑形态结构改变,本组病例CT 阳性率49.2%,其中限局性运动性发作CT 异常率72.2%,婴儿痉挛症CT 异常率100%,其他次之。原发性癫痫C
先天性(遗传性)球型红细胞增多症(SCTS)是红细胞膜先天性缺陷的疾病,先天性溶血性贫血之一,此病极为少见,我院1980年发现一例报告如下: 病例摘要患者女性,10岁,住院号3568,于
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