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阅读的目的是促使学生将课文中的好词佳句转化成为自己的语言,这就需要创造一切条件让学生多运用语言,体会语言的神韵。而在阅读教学中时常结合小练笔训练,可以培养学生对作文的兴趣,减缓作文教学的坡度,实现学生“积累语言”与“运用语言”的同步,从而有效地提高学生的习作水平。在教学中,我以精讲、多读、常练为原则,将小练笔“挤”进阅读教学中。主要采用了以下几种方法:一、巧妙拓展,进行续写 The purpose of reading is to encourage students to translate the good words and phrases in the text into their own language. This requires creating all the conditions for students to use more languages ​​and understand the verve of language. In the teaching of reading, it is often combined with small training to train students ’interest in composition, to slow down the teaching of composition, and to synchronize student “accumulate language ” and “using language ” so as to effectively improve students’ work Level. In teaching, I am fine, more reading, often practice the principle of small practice pen “squeeze” into reading teaching. Mainly used in the following ways: First, clever expansion, to write