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第八届全运会是由国家体委主办、上海市承办的本世纪末我国最大的一次综合性运动会。这次运动会在上海举办,是党中央、国务院交给上海的一项光荣而艰巨的任务,也是上海向全国各兄弟省、市、区学习的一次极好机会。上海市委、市政府对承办好这次运动会非常重视,把它列为今年全市的重点工作之一。中共中央政治局委员、上海市委书记黄菊同志在全市干部大会上提出要“全市动员、全民参与、全力以赴,高效率、高质量办好八运会”。1996年7月5日成立了八运会上海筹备领导小组,12月21日成立了八运会筹备委员会,1997年8月12日成立组委会。 上海作为东道主和承办市在筹备工作中,“发扬三种精神,坚持一个标准、一条道路”。即无私奉献的精神,自力更生的精神,人人参与、当好东道主的精神;坚持一流标准、坚持走体育产业化的道路。 The Eighth National Games is sponsored by the National Sports Commission, Shanghai hosted the end of this century, China’s largest comprehensive sports meet. The Games, held in Shanghai, is a glorious and arduous task handed over by the Central Party Committee and the State Council to Shanghai and an excellent opportunity for Shanghai to learn from the various provinces, cities and districts in the country. Shanghai Municipal Party Committee and Shanghai Municipal Government attach great importance to undertaking the Games, making it one of the key tasks of the city this year. Comrade Huang Ju, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Shanghai Municipal Party Committee, proposed at the city’s cadre meeting that “the city should mobilize, participate with all the people, go all out, be efficient and do a good job in handling the Games of the 8th National Games.” July 5, 1996 set up the Eighth National Games preparatory leadership team in Shanghai, December 21 set up the Preparatory Committee for the Eighth National Games, August 12, 1997 the establishment of the organizing committee. As the host and host city of Shanghai in the preparatory work, “we should carry forward the three spheres and adhere to a standard and a road.” That is, the spirit of selfless dedication, the spirit of self-reliance, everyone’s participation, and the spirit of being a host nation. We must adhere to the first-class standards and stick to the road of sports industrialization.
目的通过诱导构建M1型巨噬细胞模型研究猪苓多糖对白细胞介素1β(IL-1β)、肿瘤坏死因子α(TNF-α)、诱导型一氧化氮合成酶(iNOS)和转化生长因子β(TGF-β)、IL-10 mRNA的表
河北省科学技术厅近期发布了《河北省科学技术研究成果公报(2009年第二号)》,其中包括一批农药植保类科研成果:1.高效、安全、环境友好型——75%代森锰锌水分散 Hebei Provi
A series of copolymers comprising butylmethacrylate, styrene, butylacrylate, hydroxypropyl acrylate and perfluoroalkyl methacrylate were synthesized by the free
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