The Origins of Tess’s Tragedy in Tess of the D’Urbervilles

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  “ Tess of the D’Urbervilles ” is one of Thomas Hardy’s tragedies,a masterpiece which brought him into a number of literary critics notice.In this novel,though Hardy mainly writes about the tragic life of a common country girl in Wessex,it can be regarded as one of the greatest tragedies in prose in the history of English literature.In the novel of  “ Tess of the D’Urbervilles ”,the author introduced a pure girl in his novel,but the pure girl becomes a murderer in the end.Then,what causes Tess to be a murderer? Some critics think the rape of Alec is the direct reason to Tess’s tragedy while some scholars and readers argue that her tragic life is due to her deep love to Angel.The kind and pure girl should have enjoyed sweet love and happy marriage.but on the contrary,her life is full of hardships and tears.So,many people think Tess’s life is greatly decided by some supernatural force,such as destiny.The author of this paper agrees with this point,and the author will analyse and discuss some other factors led to Tess’s death.
  II.The Origins of the Tragedy of Tess:
  Tess met a wrong person on the proper occasion,but met her Mr.Right at the inappropriate time.When she tried her best to get rid of the wrong person,destiny didn’t make her wishes come true.The wrong person affected Tess for a lifetime.When she met the man she truly loved,the cruel destiny didn’t even give her the chance to confess.On the night before the wedding,she wrote Angel a letter,telling everything about herself and Alec.She slipped the letter under his door,sure that he may read it.But her confessions had been under the blanket accidently.It was more cruel what happened next:when Tess gave up her hope for Angel’s forgiveness and went to Alec again,Angel had come to find Tess and told her that he had forgiven her and he still loved her.What is more unfair to the lady is that when Alec-----the criminal was there,Tess had to face the punishment alone.Eventually,Tess in despair killed Alec and she was hanged for doing so.From these plots,we can see that a pair of invisible hands -----destiny,it would control Tess’s life completely.Hardy wanted to tell readers that everyone is the toy of destiny.Destiny controls everything.In the battle of human being’s struggle with destiny,we human beings are often in inferiority.
  3.Social Roots:
  Here,social roots mainly refer to the social morals and social prejudice led to Tess’s tragedy.   Literature is not only an art but also a mirror of real life.The manifestation of literature is manifold,one of which is tragedy.With a bad ending,tragedy often contains a certain philosophy of life.In tragedy,the reader,often sympathizes and empathizes with the protagonist who attains “wisdom through suffering.” Tess,who is a so virtuous girl,why did Hardy give Tess,a virtuous girl,a sorrowful destiny? Here,we should turn our eyes to the author----Thomas Hardy.His work reflected the deep changes of social economy,moral and custom,after the capitalism invaded into the England country.Not only,he wrote the people’s tragedy,especially women’s tragedy,but also he reveals the false of capitalism.
  Tess was abused by Alec when she was innocent as a girl.As a victim,what waited for her is not people’s and the society’s sympathy,but their strange looks and insults.It was also the social prejudice that caused Tess to be homeless after her father’s death.She was one of the victims of the society.At that age,women were regarded as being subordinate in the household.The chastity for them is the most important thing.The traditional view on chastity considered a woman’s chastity as the prerogative of her husband.If a woman lost her virtue,she must be immoral.On the one hand,the male made the moral standards for the female,demanding of the female to be pure and virginal; on the other hand,the male indulged himself in sexual matters.That is to say,only the male in that society were right.The female could say nothing for his wrong.So Tess asking Clare “Forgive me as you are forgiven! I forgive you.Angel”(Hardy,1993)would become the impossibility.
  In the literature,there was a set form for the images of women,namely,women should be beautiful and virtuous,gentle and biddable,and should cleave to his husband and families.All these sets are related to the real society.Tess’s death is closely related to the social roots at that time.
  In this novel “ Tess of the D’Urbervilles”,Tess has shown a
  powerful woman’s image to common people.She desired to shake off the shadow in the past and the misfortune in her life.But her condition became worse and worse after she made a difficult choice each time.It seemed that Tess could never escape the wrongs of the past,either socially or personally.Tess was kind-hearted,pure and brave and had acute sense of responsibility and strong sense of moral duty.People analyse the factors of Tess’s death from different parts of her life.Obviously,Tess’s tragedy is not only decided by fate.Some other important factors also cause Tess’s death directly or indirectly.From the tragic story of Tess’s short life,we can see in a deep sense that it is the capitalist society of the time that has ruined her.Living in a society overwhelmed by capitalist law,religion and state apparatus,Tess,a poor peasant,in the lower level social class,is impossible to obtain fair treatment in the society.To some extent,we can say Tess’s tragedy is inevitable.
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