随着经济体制改革的深化,涉及住宅、医疗、养老、生育、失业、工伤、下岗等一系列既是社会的又是个人的种种问题被重新提上了政府工作的议事日程。 原有的社会保障体系存在着哪些弊端势在必改?完善后的社会保障机制将为人们带来怎样的基本利益和权力?国家、企业和个人将履行各自的哪些义务?学者提出问题、阐述对策、为社会保障的建制和管理号脉开方。
With the deepening of the reform of the economic system, a series of social and individual issues involving housing, medical care, old-age pension, childbirth, unemployment, work-related injuries and laid-off workers have been re-put on the agenda of government work. What are the disadvantages of the original social security system and what are the basic benefits and power that the improved social security system will bring to people? What are the obligations that countries, enterprises and individuals will fulfill? Countermeasures for the establishment and management of social security number pulse prescribing.