Novel epigenetic-based therapies useful in cardiovascular medicine

来源 :World Journal of Cardiology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hghlyf
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Epigenetic modifications include DNA methylation, his-tone modifications, and micro RNA. Gene alterations have been found to be associated with cardiovascular diseases, and epigenetic mechanisms are continuously being studied to find new useful strategies for the clinical management of afflicted patients. Numerous cardiovascular disorders are characterized by the abnormal methylation of Cp G islands and so specific drugs that could inhibit DNA methyltransferase directly or by reducing its gene expression(e.g., hydralazine and procainamide) are currently under investigation. The anti-proliferative and anti-inflammatory properties of histone deacetylase inhibitors and their cardio-protective effects have been confirmed in preclinical studies. Furthermore, the regulation of the expression of micro RNA targets through pharmacological tools is still under development. Indeed, large controlled trials are required to establish whether current possible candidate antisense micro RNAs could offer better therapeutic benefits in clinical practice. Here, we updated therapeutic properties, side effects, and feasibility of eme-rging epigenetic-based strategies in cardiovascular diseases by highlighting specific problematic issues that still affect the development of large scale novel therapeutic protocols. Eigegenetic modifications include DNA methylation, his-tone modifications, and micro RNA. Gene alterations have been found to be associated with cardiovascular diseases, and epigenetic mechanisms are continuously being studied to find new useful strategies for the clinical management of afflicted patients. Numerous cardiovascular disorders are characterized by the abnormal methylation of Cp G islands and so specific drugs that could inhibit DNA methyltransferase directly or by reducing its gene expression (eg, hydralazine and procainamide) are currently under investigation. The anti-proliferative and anti-inflammatory properties of histone deacetylase inhibitors and their cardio-protective effects have been confirmed in preclinical studies. Indeed, large controlled trials are required to establish whether current possible candidate candidate antisense micro RNAs could offe r, better therapeutic benefits in clinical practice. Here, we updated therapeutic properties, side effects, and feasibility of eme-rging epigenetic-based strategies in cardiovascular diseases by highlighting specific problematic issues that still affect the development of large scale novel therapeutic protocols.
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