As a critic, Goethe has some painstaking research on painting, appreciation of the reviews, and historical analysis of the trends and traditions of the arts, explaining his subtle aesthetic standards. Goethe’s artistic criticism was widely distributed in his correspondence with Schiller, the poet’s lover, and the brochure and journal articles of Mrs. Charlotte von Stein and Miss Marie-Anne von Wermer. The principle of Goethe judging the beauty of art is similar to the law of determining scientific truth. The theory of the formal nature of Goethe’s aesthetic expression depends on the intuitive balance and the interaction of cosmic opposition forces. Although Kant’s artistic philosophy is different from that of Goethe, Kant’s Impression of Judgment (1790) impressed Goethe. Kant separated art and science, whereas Goethe did not see any significant difference between artistic beauty and scientific truth. It is important to pay attention to this: Goethe has a new vision in the field of science