在瑞典自然科学的太空中,林奈无疑是一颗最明亮的星。他在18世纪获得了许多崇高的荣誉——伟大的博物学家、植物王、植物分类学之父、亚当第二。他被认为是人类在与自然界交往中起了最大作用的人。至今,瑞典的邮票、大面值纸币上都印着林奈的面像。但是,当我们把他当成一个象征或纪念碑时,切不可忘记:一个有血有肉的人就在这个名字的后面。卡尔·冯·林奈(Carl von Linne)1707年诞生在瑞典南部斯莫兰省施滕伯奴胡特(Stenbnohult)一个普通乡村牧师的家中。父
Linne is undoubtedly the brightest star in the space of the Swedish natural sciences. He received many lofty honors in the 18th century - the great naturalist, plant king, father of plant taxonomy, Adam II. He is considered to be the man who has played the greatest role in the relations with nature. To date, stamps of Sweden, large denominations are printed Linnei face. However, when we consider him a symbol or a monument, we must not forget that a flesh-and-blood flesh lies behind this name. Carl von Linne was born in 1707 in the home of an ordinary country pastor in Stenbnohult in Sömmerland in southern Sweden. father