Pen regular script, is a good way to learn calligraphy, is a good way to inherit the tradition, is to learn the line, cursive foundation. Pro posts, first of all from reading posts. The ancients calligraphy attaches great importance to reading, “New Tang” had recorded the story of Ouyang inquiry posts. He “taste line and claim this book monument, view it. To go back step by step, is tired, but the cloth to sit next to the place ”. A cable monument, Ouyang inquiry even see three days, we can see the observation of the fine, deep experience. We have to learn this spirit. Regular script, is a simple evolution from the official script, it is rigorous, point painting clear, cloth white flat. Such as Wei Kai, Tang Kai, is the regular script of the two major systems. This regular script was founded in the late Han Dynasty, Sheng in the Wei, Jin and Northern and Southern Dynasties, the calligraphers of the Tang Dynasty and made it