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报载:久负盛名的日本大荣公司在人事安排上,实行不可动摇的一项原则:每隔半年就要让各层次的员工实行一次人员调动,人人都有选择新岗位的机会,每个岗位都有新人安排;整个企业就活起来了。这个办法不能照搬,但它的经验对我们还是很有启迪的。改革开放时代,各地为了发展经济,不惜许以高薪和其他优厚条件,引进人才,这无可非议。但在引进人才的同时,有的地方有的企业却忽视了盘活本地,本企业内部人才的培养和选拔,往往是招了姑爷,得罪了儿子,挫伤了本地、本企业人才的积极性。本地本企业有无人才呢?回答是肯定的,有。弥勒县大批乡土能人脱颖而出,就是一个突出的例子。最近四年,该县在不断词整乡镇企业政策的同时,采取一系列盘活本地人才的行动:全县先后组织各级各类考察团出省出国,促使包括普通农民在内的上千人 Newspaper: The prestigious Japanese Darong company has implemented an unshakable principle in its personnel arrangement: Every six months, employees at all levels must be given a one-time move. Everyone has the opportunity to choose a new position. There are new recruits; the entire company is alive. This method cannot be copied, but its experience is still inspiring to us. In the era of reform and opening up, in order to develop the economy, all localities do not hesitate to introduce talents with high salaries and other favorable conditions. This is beyond reproach. However, at the same time as the introduction of talented people, some companies in some localities have neglected to revitalize the local area. The training and selection of talents within the company often attracts uncles, offends their sons, and dampens the enthusiasm of local and local talents. Is there a talent in the local company? The answer is yes, yes. The outstanding example of a large number of native energy people in Maitreya County stands out. In the past four years, the county has adopted a series of actions to revitalize the local township enterprises while adopting a series of actions to revitalize local talents. The county has organized various types of delegations at various levels to go abroad to promote the province and promote the participation of thousands of people, including ordinary farmers.
01  我在中学时,写作文常爱用“我觉得、估计是、我想”等这类词汇。  后来,我遇到了另一个老师,她在我作文上写的“姑姑走了,我觉得家里最近冷清很多”这句话下面划了横线,边上写着:家里冷清的样子是什么,写出来。  我开始回忆,脑海中不断闪现着家中的样子,然后写出下面一段话:往常中午吃完饭,姑姑都叫上隔壁的二奶奶来,加上妈妈和婶婶凑够一桌牌。她们中间谁打赢了,我会趁机过去讨几块钱,去村口小卖部买上最
百年屈辱听哀鸿,敢梦吾华气吐虹。  一唱天鸡民独立,豪书白紙国何雄!  开门探获金银库,投币攀凌珠宝峰。  青史红尘信雁在,擎天一柱党光荣!
本文从女性主义批评视角分析小说《喜福会》中华裔女儿的成长经历,解读她们在父权制强权中所受的影响,以及她们是如何觉醒反抗男权思想,解构男权社会,找回自我,获得自由。 T
From March31 to April4,2012,the evaluation meeting of the Third“Yeong Guan Cup”Casting Process Design Competition for Chinese University Students was held in