德国Danone公司和Cargill Dow聚合物公司合作,采用聚乳酸作原料,成功地开发出具有快速自然分解功能的绿色食品杯,为消灭白色污染,保护生态环境开辟了一条实用化之路。包括一次性餐具在内的塑料包装物由于价格便宜和使用方便,在市场上十分流行,但随之而来的白色污染也越来越严重。泡沫塑料和其它塑料废弃物的自然分解过程非常缓慢,而
Germany Danone Company and Cargill Dow Polymers Co., Ltd., using polylactic acid as raw material, successfully developed a green food cup with fast natural decomposition function, which opened up a practical road to eradicate white pollution and protect the ecological environment. Plastic packaging, including disposable tableware, is popular in the market because of its low price and ease of use, but the white pollution that comes with it is also getting worse. The natural decomposition of foam and other plastic waste is very slow, and