For a long time, historians have always believed that Chen Duxiu opposed the Northern Expedition. Recently, Hu Qingyun’s article argues that Chen Duxiu did not oppose the Northern Expedition fundamentally. Instead, he first made a positive and then negative move and made a mistake in strategic focus. Said that he was positive first because he had repeatedly expressed his hope for the early Northern Expedition before the start of the Northern Expedition. As the CPC convened a special meeting in Beijing in February 1926, Chen called Beijing to resolve the issue of the Northern Expedition. Later, he telegraphed or wrote Wang Ching-wei and Chiang Kai-shek urging them to “begin the Northern Expedition” and proposed that “they must not be consolidated by the forces of Wu Peifu When attacked, otherwise he will be the southern expedition, Guangdong will not have the strength to accumulate. ”But just at the beginning of the Northern Expedition, Chen Duxiu has suddenly published" On the people