前些日子去胜利油田,采访那里幼儿园正在开展的童话教育,才接触到了我以前不怎么注意的童话绘本,也就是Picture Book,图画书。童话,顾名思义是写给儿童的书,但绘本却不尽然,它往往只有极简省的故事,而以极精美的画面见长。正因为如此,它所包含的无尽寓意和无限可能的联想空间,使它成为了不仅仅是写给孩子的作品。赛门·詹姆斯的《小步走路》就是这样一部看似简单却寓意深涵的绘本。它描述了三只鸭子迷路在树林里,年纪最小的那只一会儿吵着要找妈
A few days ago to Shengli Oilfield, where the kindergarten fairy tale education is being interviewed before they come into contact with the Fairy Tale book I have not paid much attention to, that is, Picture Book, picture book. Fairy tales, as the name suggests, are children’s books, but the picture books are not always the case. They tend to have very minimalist stories, but are very beautiful pictures. Because of this, it contains endless meanings and infinite possibilities of associative space, making it a work not just for children. Simon Simon’s “small steps” is such a seemingly simple but profound meaning of the picture book. It described three ducks lost in the woods, the youngest one who was arguing for a while