后代人、发展中国家以及同一时期同一区域内的弱势居民等是资源与环境利益的弱势 群体。在可持续发展问题中,人与自然之间矛盾的实质,是强势群体与弱势群体在涉及 自然与环境的问题上所存在的利益冲突,不保护这些弱势群体的生存与发展权,实现 人类的可持续发展是不可能的。发展伦理立足于人类的持续生存与发展,力图倡导一 种新的伦理原则来解决人与人之间的这种利益冲突。
The descendants, the developing countries and the disadvantaged people in the same area during the same period are the disadvantaged groups in the interests of resources and the environment. In the issue of sustainable development, the essence of the contradiction between man and nature is the conflict of interests between the strong and the disadvantaged groups on issues concerning nature and the environment, the protection of the rights of the subsistence and development of these vulnerable groups and the realization of human Sustainable development is impossible. Development ethics is based on the continuous survival and development of mankind, trying to advocate a new ethical principle to solve this conflict of interests among people.